Episode 1: Alvida vs Luffy( The adventure begins!!)

The first episode starts off with a civilian ship picking up a barrel from the sea, assuming theirs alcohol in it. Afterwards the scene transistions into an older lady in her 50’s name alvida and her pirate crew, attacking this very civilian bourgeois ship. The pirate group is called iron club Alvida. Alvida is big lady, with a white cowboy hat, black hair and a big mace. She is insecure about her looks so she needs validation from her crew all the time. I believe their are like 2–3 instances where she asks “ who is the most beautiful pirate of them all”, they all, freightened , said it was her, because they didn’t want to deal with the consequences of saying no. As she raids the ship, Colby(a captured kid) and a few of the iron club Alvida pirates open up a barrel of so assumingly beer. A young skinny man pops up from the barrel, knocking out one of the pirates. Ignoring the other pirates, he asks Colby, if he got food. He claims his name is monkey D. Luffy. The pirates attacked him with their sword, but their swords where broken in half, albeit the side effects of his strength. They where overwhelmed by his strength, deciding to flee for their lives, but colby stayed with luffy.
His nonchalant and blunt manner in the admist of chaos adds a comedic flare to his scene.
Theirs a scene where Colby explains the reality of his quest for the one piece. How difficult it will be as their are numerous pirates searching for the same thing. Luffy says he is doing it because he wants to( nonchalantness conveyed). Luffy has the audacity.
Luffy says “who is that big chunky lady” when confronted by the pirates master. The lady gets cheesed and slams her mace at Luffy. Luffy dodges and beats up her and her whole crew.
Luffy and Alvida get into a conversation, Luffy says he is a rubber man, thats why he is so strong. Alvida was shocked about devil fruits being real and not a myth, Luffy then continues to finish up everybody. leaving in a small boat because the marines were coming for Alvidas pirate ship( assuming the civilian ship called them.
At the end Luffy was insinuating the first member he wants to recruit would be the infamous bounty hunter, Zoro guy. Colby refered to him being a demon and super strong. Luffy didnt care. Zoro is captured at a marine base and Colby dream is to be a marine thus it benefits them both. Now Luffy and Colby are heading out to see Zoro.
Side details: pay attention to the other lady who was robbing things off the pirate ship, she is going to be important later on.